
Showing posts from May, 2024

Pulling Hair in BDSM: Guide to Techniques and Safety

Table Of Content How can Pulling Hair During Sex Causes Damage? Hair Pulling BSDM Why Does Pulling Hair Sexually Give You the Best BDSM Experience? Things to Keep in Mind During Hair-Pulling Sex Sexual Toys This subreddit is a place to share videos, images, and gifs of doggy style and hair pulling. Hair pulling is a coping mechanism for unpleasant or stressful emotions like stress, worry, tension, boredom, loneliness, exhaustion, or irritation. Sexual hair pulling can give an edge to your hair fetish and help you to enjoy your sex in a more pleasing way. If you want to spice up your BDSM experience in sexual hair-pulling, you should try Hair-bondage. Hair bondage will give you an extra edge to your erotic hair-pulling experience. You can attach your hair to bondage rope or nipple toys in a certain position for extreme pleasure or else it can cause pain. How can Pulling Hair During Sex Causes Damage? You can play with their hair in any way you want whether you like long braide...